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CANMWT-KZK-1 is a mixture of drill cores from the copper-lead-zinc project at the Kudz Ze Kayah property in the southeastern Yukon Territory, Canada. CANMET-KZK-1 is a sericite schist. The rock is composed of quartz, albite, muscovite, biotite, rutile, ilmenite, ankerite, calcite, monazite, zircon, pyrite and pyrrhotite. Trace amounts of calcite, clinochlore, kaolinite and sphalerite are present. CANMET-KZK-1 is suitable for the analysis of rocks for sulphur and various static acid base accounting tests by the Sobek and modified Sobek methods. Examples of intended use are for quality control in the analysis of samples of a similar type, method development, environmental assessment and the calibration of equipment. Sobek and modified Sobek methods AP: Acid potential NP: Neutralisation potential S: Sobek method MS: Modified Sobek method m: Moderate fizz rating s: Slight fizz rating



Certificate of Analysis (specimen)

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