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1 Pcs HK 40 desk top laboratory vibrating mill for preparation of laboratory samples for analytical chemistry ,spectroscopy and X –ray fluorescence analyses, electron microscopy, mineralogy,biology and for other branches 230 V/50 Hz swing Mill HK 40 is designed for the preparation of laboratory samples for analytical chemistry, X-ray and spectral analysis, electron microscopy, mineralogy, microbiology and for many further relative scientific disciplines the instrument enables a very quick milling of small quantities of various kinds of materials and their simultaneous homogenization several kinds of exchangeable milling sets specifically engineered for use with Swing Mill HK 40 are available to serve a broad range of sample material application in innumerable scientific disciplines an easy and reliable utilization of the mill with its quiet running are the main advantages of the friendly operation of the instrument the mechanism of the swing mill is uniquely engineered with a well balanced swinging mechanism providing minimal vibration and outstanding stability for counter-top operation the mill is designed as a table instrument during the operation of the mill the door of cover is locked by the electromagnetic lock the digital time swich secures an exact adjustment of milling time and enables the reproducibility of the results during the preparationof laboratory samples
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